Yoko Village is the Possibility for Prosperity, Belonging, Freedom, and Peace.
While those four things mean different things to each of us, we all share them in various ways. 

How can Yoko bring these possibilities to the world? 

Here are a few ways:

  • Creating community spaces where we can meet, work, and connect.
  • By creating a supportive global community that can offer friendships, advice, and inspiration.
  • By creating events that support well-being, personal growth, and connection to self
  • By allowing people/families to live in nature in serene and pristine surroundings.
  • By creating possibilities for financial freedom through smart investments.
  • By creating multiple eco-villages where families have the freedom to swap homes and live from summer to summer

Inspired Living

Yoko means “sunshine child,” and it means new beginnings. We are building a sanctuary that embraces love, respect, and compassion. Surrounded by nature, it’s a haven for those seeking a path that emphasizes relationships, connections with nature, and inner richness.

Yoko Village in Zutphen stands out as more than just another holiday park in the Netherlands. Unlike traditional parks focused on transactions and investments, Yoko Village is a distinctive community driven by shared values, trust, and collaboration.

Key Elements:

Freedom and Service: True freedom comes from serving others, supporting personal growth, and fostering creativity and innovation. 

Health and Wellness: We prioritize a healthy mind and body, allowing individuals to disconnect and reconnect with themselves.

Living, Working, and Connecting

Connection with Others: Shared spaces, common areas, and community events strengthen our bond. Engage, inspire, and be inspired in a supportive environment.

Connection with Nature: We choose beautiful locations and partner with eco-technological companies to ensure a sustainable coexistence with nature.

Connection with Yourself: Yoko offers a chance to find peace, stillness, and presence, encouraging a deeper connection of mind, body, and soul.

Interested in learning more about YokoVillage and becoming a member?

Begin your journey by visiting this link.


“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

John Lennon